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Directx GAME change ingame menu

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:11 am
by omnia
Okay I'm trying to create a bot that should read the games memory and pass values depending on different game states.

Three questions
I know it will take time to figure out all adresses, but is it even possible?
Let's say I want the game to go from lobby to battle, can I do that by altering it's memory? I'm tired of hacking windows messages.
And lastly if I were to look for a value how can I do to get values need to open certain menus?

Re: Directx GAME change ingame menu

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:22 am
by L. Spiro
#1: Yes.
#2: Your safest bet is to stay high-level (which means window messages), but you should be able to find a function that you can call directly remotely. It may not be safe, however since it could create threading issues. Better to just keep using messages.
#3: You won’t find values that open menus. You need to search for functions. The Code Filter can help you with this but again you might need to handle threading issues so it may still be better to send keystrokes instead.

L. Spiro