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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 6:45 am
by L. Spiro
#1: What is a UDD path?
A UDD path is the path on your hard drive to the folder where OllyDbg stores its UDD files.

#2: What are UDD files?
UDD files are files OllyDbg uses to store information it gathers about a process with its analyzer.

#3: What does that have to do with MHS?
MHS loads these files and uses the information (gathered by OllyDbg) to print extra information in the Disassembler.

#4: Every time I change an option in MHS it says I have an invalid UDD path.
Then you need to go to the Disassembler page of the Options dialog and set a valid or blank UDD path.

#5: What is a valid UDD path?
Any valid path leading to a valid folder on your valid hard drive. It does not matter if there are actual UDD files there or not. It just needs to be a valid path on your hard drive (or blank).

#6: How do I find the place where I am supposed to supply a valid UDD path?
When you see the error telling you that you have an invalid UDD path, you are already in the Options dialog. So once you cancel the error box, look at the left side of the Options dialog. and click the item that reads, “Disassembler”.

L. Spiro