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A few humble suggestions

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:43 am
by bongtoke
I have been using MHS for a long time and I am very grateful for it, but
like all users who get something for free on the internet, I am going to complain about it to the author ^_^.

1. Add "What points to this" to right click menu on addresses in main window
2. Add ability to change single registers in the breakpoint menu not just flags. (I know you can do this with scripts but this would be quicker). ie Prologue->Set EAX->1
3. Have the expression evaluator remember what I was typing in case I press up or down keys accidentally. Sometimes I have a huge complex address typed in and I push arrow keys by accident and lose it because it loads previously saved equation
4. Let me select whether I want it to default step over code for callback or not when I add breakpoints. Probably changed the callback to Do Nothing thousands of times
5. In found addresses add the ability to discard values which oscillate rapidly? ie) discard if # of changes per second > n
6. Add ability to predefine a datatype search and then assign a hotkey to it so you can run it while the debugged program is selected
7. List of device contexts used by the debugged program?
8. Make your forum avatar the new icon!?


PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:21 am
by L. Spiro
#1: What is the difference between that and a Pointer Search? Except being automatic.

#2: It can be added.

#3: It can not be done easily. Windows is responsible for remembering what you typed; it is a Combo Box.

#4: It can be added.

#5: It can not be added.

#6: It can be somewhat added.

#7: Already working on it.

#8: I prefer an icon that matches the style (in colors etc.) of the board.

Any input is always welcome.

Thank you.

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:12 am
by bongtoke
Thanks for the quick reply!

I was using MHS today and something else dawned on me that would be AWSOME. In Autohack when it shows how many times an offset has been written or read, can you also show the average rate at which it was called? Like if you have autohack on for 10 seconds on a variable and it reads 100 times it will say 10/s next to 100.

This would be very useful for analyzing code related to drawing in games because you could quickly identify how many times a function is called per frame by judging against frame rate. :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:20 am
by L. Spiro
I can take it into consideration for a future update.

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:54 pm
by bongtoke