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[Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:06 am
by buybuybuy
一 .[Guide] Set Up Repent Online private Server

Good News . This Repent is Chinese Version, it is working OK

This Guide Was Written By buybuybuy 2012/10/24

Step 1: Download the Repent Server RAR File and Client RAR File.

Download the files from the given link and extract the files to your specific directory. for example: D:\Repent Server Files or other
Link1 to the files:

Other Link2 :

Step 2: install SQLServer 2000 Personal Edition and SQL 2000 SP4 path

Step 3: install FDx Developer's Kit

Go to the Repent Server directory Open FDx Developer's Kit subdirectory and install the Setup.exe.

Step 4: Editing the ini IP Address (i set up on MY PC so i edit the ip

Go to the Ebenezer folder. Open the server.ini file and replace all the given IP’s with your Local ( or your LAN (192.168.1.x) or you WAN IP depending on the service of play you want.

Go to the Login Server folder next. Open the file Edit Version.ini and replace all the given IP’s with your Local ( or your LAN (192.168.1.x) or you WAN IP depending on the service of play you want.

Go to the RptAISrv folder (This is the map mov files). Open the file RptAISrv.ini and replace all the given IP’s with your Local ( or your LAN (192.168.1.x) or you WAN IP depending on the service of play you want.

Go to the RptLogSvr folder. Open the file RPTLogSvr.ini and replace all the given IP’s with your Local ( or your LAN (192.168.1.x) or you WAN IP depending on the service of play you want.

You also need to edit the IP in the "SERVER_INFO" table StrServerIP Column (for example: the "Repent_Account" database in order for the server connect the client.

and then edit stored procedures in the "repent_account" Database , "NEW_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_REQ" and "NEW_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_REQ_TEST" Replace the "UDC-GAMESERVER" with your Computer name

finally Edit the "Version" table in the "Repent_Account" database Modify the Version is "32" Values.

Step 5: Restoring Your Databases in SQL.

Go to SQL>Enterprise Manager>Databases

Create 3 New Databases by the names of Repent, Repent_Account, Repent_Log
Attatch database's in entreprise manager:

Now right click on the databases and click the restore database option.
There check from device and restore – in Repent Server Files folder db subdirectory folder
Repent_bak to Repent
Repent_Account_bak to Repent_Account
Repent_Log_bak to Repent_Log

Congratulations! You have successfully restored your databases.

Now goto Enterprise Manager>Security
Here right click and create a new login.
Username : Repent
Password : flvpsxm

Username : Repentadmin
Password : flvpsxm
In the same tab, go to the rights tab and give this login access to Repent, Repent_Log and Repent_Account databases that you have just restored. Make sure that you also tick them to be the DB Owners.

Step 6: set up ODBC User
set up ODBC for your server :

- For Window 32 bit - control panel > administrative tools > Data sources ODBC
- for window 64 bit - {dir}:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
- go to tab "system (DSN)" and click "add..."

1: scroll down and choose "SQL Server" from bottom of list
2: Next give name Repent and choose SQL server from dropdown menu in last field
(you can use or (local) or your sql connection's name(SQL 2005/SQL 2008) and go to next step...
3: Now choose SQL authentication and put checkmark on box and give username and password
(in this case: Repent/flvpsxm)
4: In next step look that default database is Repent (it should be but if its not, change it and click next)
5: Now click "done" button or whatever its in your windows and you get popup box with some text and 3 buttons
(You can click "test datasource..." to make sure its ok.)

- Repeat that step 1: to 5: with other name Repentadmin

System DSN name : - DEFAULT Database:
---------------- -----------------
Repent - Repent
Repent_Account - Repent_Account

Step 7: Running the Server

Start sequencing : 1. RptAISvr 2.RptLogSvr 3.LoginServer 4. Ebenezerch 5.Aujard 6 Finally Chick Start On the Ebenezerch

1 : Go to the RptAISvr folder Then run the RptAISvr. Once the program starts up make sure you click "start" the AI Svr button.
2 : Go to the RptLogSvr folder Then run the RptAISvr. Once the program starts up you click "start" the AI Svr button.
3 : Go to the Login Server folder and run the LoginServer.
4 : Go to the Ebenzer folder and run Ebenezerch.exe . Wait a minute. But not Chick Start.
5 : Go to the Aujard folder Then run the Aujard (Character Server)
6 : Then finally click start on the Ebenezerch.

Step 8: Install the Client and Editing on the Client Side
1: Install the tdrepent.exe and and 051022.exe path , finally decompress the Launcher.rar and then Go to the Game Folder Replace the Launcher.exe and server.dat

2: Go to the Repent Online Game Folder and Open the server.dat file with notepad.

You will see something like the following –




In the IP_0, replace it with the IP( you set in your server files.

Then Run Launcher.exe. If you are able to connect to the server then you have setup everything correctly.

You can enter the following at the Login Screen to enter. Please Wait a moment, the login may be slowly .
Username: glglgl
Password: 111111
Else you can always create new accounts in the Repent_Account database.
You can set your account to admin status by setting the value to 3 in the databases.

Congratulations on Setting Up Your Server!

Because The LOA is be similar with the Repent and Knight Online ,So we can use the Knight Online Source Code to Edit

Link1 to the files: (contain Knight Server Code and Client Code)

Link2 :

Repent Edit Tools Link1 : (you can use this tools Edit the LOA files)

Link2 :

the other useful Tools : ... %20Online/

N3FXE_Debug.exe can Open "fx/*.n3fxpart" ,"fx/*.n3fxbundle"

N3TexViewer can open all the dxt file , such as "item/*.dxt" , "chr/*.dxt" , "cursor/*.dxt" , "Object/*.dxt" ,"fx/Particle/*.dxt"

N3Viewer_Debug.exe can open "DATA/*.n3camera" , "DATA/*.n3light' "Object/*.n3shape" , "Object/*.n3pmesh" "chr/*.n3chr", "item/*.n3cplug"

UIE_Debug.exe can open "ui/*.uif"

TBLedit can open "DATA/*.tbl" (The TBL files is and LOA Table have a close relation)

if you want to LOA private Server Come back as soon as possible .i think we can make a LOA DEV team to study together .


三 .If you know ,Pls Reply to my question ,Thanks !

The Question is how do you know the speed hacking? Question Post : ... =27&t=9459


Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:27 am
by lilsoldier
thanks :D testing now !

EDIT : where is the ODBC

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:58 am
by buybuybuy
lilsoldier wrote:thanks :D testing now !

EDIT : where is the ODBC

control panel > administrative tools > Data sources ODBC

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:01 am
by lilsoldier
wheres the .reg file i mean

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:04 am
by buybuybuy
"360yunpan" web DownLoad explain screenshot
2.JPG (41.85 KiB) Viewed 86160 times

"kuaipan" web DownLoad explain screenshot
kuaipan web DownLoad explain screenshot
1.JPG (47.71 KiB) Viewed 86160 times

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:06 am
by buybuybuy
lilsoldier wrote:wheres the .reg file i mean

the odbc.reg no need , you can Creat new ODBC user . pls see the Step 6

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:22 am
by lilsoldier
when i open ... i get this can you help me with this bcuse its seems like i set everything right : d:\my documents\repent\repent\rptaisvr\gametableloader.cpp(126)
DB Error:
Code = 80004005
Code meaning = Niet nader omschreven fout
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Description = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login 'Repent'. Login fails.

i did made the ODBC

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:43 pm
by buybuybuy
lilsoldier wrote:when i open ... i get this can you help me with this bcuse its seems like i set everything right : d:\my documents\repent\repent\rptaisvr\gametableloader.cpp(126)
DB Error:
Code = 80004005
Code meaning = Niet nader omschreven fout
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Description = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login 'Repent'. Login fails.

i did made the ODBC

it is mean your database the user and password is wrong OR User permissions problem
which Repent database you use ?
Can you Upload the Repent Server Code To study together (Repent\rptaisvr\) ?

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:41 am
by lilsoldier
PROBLEM SOLVED now how to change the table VERSION & SERVER INFO bcuse it gives me error when i change it

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:04 am
by lilsoldier
buybuybuy do you know why this server blocks my account everytime i make a character ??

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:54 am
by buybuybuy
lilsoldier wrote:buybuybuy do you know why this server blocks my account everytime i make a character ??

do you already run the Aujard ?

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:10 am
by buybuybuy
lilsoldier wrote:PROBLEM SOLVED now how to change the table VERSION & SERVER INFO bcuse it gives me error when i change it

run the isqlw.exe
Update SERVER_INFO SET StrServerIP=''
Update VERSION SET sVersion=32

You can also direct Opent the SERVER_INFO AND VERSION table to edit

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:19 pm
by lilsoldier
yes i started everything about the version thiny its fixed only the character make does not works it blocks automatic my account (N) everything runs

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:12 pm
by buybuybuy
lilsoldier wrote:yes i started everything about the version thiny its fixed only the character make does not works it blocks automatic my account (N) everything runs

open the Repent_account DATABASE and Open the tb_user table edit the 1 to 0 in col "block" .

Re: [Guide]Set Up Repent Online private Server and LOA DEV

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:30 pm
by wiebse
where do i download FDx Developer's Kit