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Dragon Age II Hack Skill Point

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:14 am
by Viktor
Easy and simple.
wait for me Release item script. :) too bad DA II story is shitty than DA1. :roll:

Re: Dragon Age II Hack Skill Point

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:28 am
by Viktor
Here Champion Armor

Med = Medium
Lgt = Light
Hvy = Heavy

For type of armor.


Glv = Gloves
Boo = Boot
Cht = Chest
Hlm = Helmet

Re: Dragon Age II Hack Skill Point

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:34 am
by Viktor
Copy File to Core\Override

Here is Cheat you can spawn stuff money and other things

Alter game files at your own risk and always make backups. Find the da2.exe file (In XP it can be found in C:\Program Files\Dragon Age 2\bin_ship) and make a shortcut to it on your desktop. Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties." Add this to the end of the "Target" field: -enabledeveloperconsole. the shortcut should read something like "C:\Program Files\Dragon Age 2\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole Now, start the game, type ~ (or the key above Tab) to open the console and enter the cheats below for the desired effect. Press Enter to close the console. Note: The console is invisible and you won't see any confirmation of the cheat.

* runscript addxp - Add experience points
* runscript zz_dae_debug - Add a member to your party
* runscript pc_immortal - God mode
* runscript healplayer - Heal characters
* runscript addmoney X - Ads X amount of Gold, where X is a numerical value
* runscript zz_upgrade - Upgrade your weapons and armor from anywhere for free
* runscript dbg_setattrib X Y - Give minute-long attribute buff, where X is a digit representing an attribute and Y is amount
* runscript chargen mage - Change to a Level 2 Mage
* runscript chargen rogue - Change to a Level 2 Rogue
* runscript chargen warrior - Change to a Level 2 Warrior
* runscript bowlingforferelden - Create a forcefield to knock back enemies
* runscript zz_supercrit player - Gives 1000 Stamina, 1000 Health, 50 Strength and 50 Dexterity
* runscript killallhostiles - Kills all enemies
* runscript zz_app_debug - Adjust a companion's Friendship/Rivalry level
* runscript injury remparty - Rem