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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:28 am
by asdf
tiduswong wrote:accualy i have done the riddle but i dun know if it correct or wrong needed you guys answer to confrim that..

1. age
2. mushroom (?)
3. clock
4. finger nail
5. lunch and dinner
6. fire
7. map
8. corn
9. footstep
10. stamp
11. take away the 's' (?)
12. 1 (?)
13. 6 = 9 (?)
14. when got 2 giraffes
15. once (?)
16. 63 and 54
17. neither correct because nine plus five = 14 (?)
18. 182
19. the word e
20. 28 or 46
21. 1 peope
22. nothing becuase rooster is a male
23. because is not raining
24. neither the yolk are yellow (?)
25. single story doesnt have stair (?)

these are my answer with my mate have been thinking out and most of it are correct except got (?) = not sure about those..

12. 0 b/c it wouldnt be an empty basket if there was one