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How can i find the code?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:46 pm
by nopnop
Hi. I'm trying to make a little bot for Perfect World,
but i have no idea how to find a piece of code
that makes my char do something (for example use potions).
How can i find and call it? Thanks and sorry about my english.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:39 pm
by SpeedWing
did you use the search button, yet?

what script are you going to use? C++? LSS? VB?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:54 pm
by nopnop
Of course i did. I already made zoom and jumphack, but it's different. I'm going to use just asm.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:35 am
by L. Spiro
Single-step through the main game loop.
Use the Code Filter to filter out code not related to using spells.
Then use the Code Filter to log the code related to using spells.

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:16 pm
by nopnop
Thank You. It helped a lot. I belive i found the function, now i'm trying to find out how to execute it. Each time i try to call it, game crashes or just does nothing.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:11 am
by L. Spiro
Call the function through MHS.
It is safer and you can see the result to be sure you did it correctly.

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:29 pm
by nopnop
I tried to call the function through MHS without parameters and with random parameters. Nothing happend and the return value is always 0.
I've searched the forum and help file but, didn't find help.
Any suggestions what i'm doing wrong?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:27 pm
by L. Spiro
Yes. You are calling the function with random parameters.
You will never get a correct return that way.
You need to see for yourself what parameters it takes. When the function appears in the Code Filter it will show you its parameters if you logged contexts.

L. Spiro