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The Beginning of Uncertainty

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:28 pm
by L. Spiro
It is so well known here that my goal is to live/work in Japan that my coworkers knew immediately to send me a link to a job offer from a Japanese company.

Things were made simpler by the fact that this company is in the same building as where I work now, so I only have to go down 2 floors to meet up with them.

I have an interview today, and according to my current boss I have a 95% chance of being hired.
Naturally, however, being hired would mean I would leave my current company.

Should I be hired I would move to Tokyo within the month (or so).
Getting settled down over there will take its time and I won’t be able to work much on Memory Hacking Software.
Furthermore, even when I am settled, I don’t know what kind of working conditions I would have and do not know how much I would be able to update my site.

Further furthermore, this site is hosted by my current company.
I do not yet know what will happen to it when I am gone.

My interview is in a few hours and should it go well (apparently there is a 95% chance it will) it will mark the beginning of uncertainty for this project.

I will note however that some people are aware that this project was intended as résumé work (my recent restart of the project was to clean the code to make it presentable to potential employers) specifically for obtaining jobs in Japan (and I spotted a few in England [Rareware and another] I could get but I am passing them up for now).
This project has become the cornerstone towards getting me into Japan.
This technically means the software has served its purpose.

This is where I would like to note that this project will continue, even though its purpose has been served.
It was meant to get me into Japan, however along the way I have found more reasons to keep it going—all of you.

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:08 pm
by esco
Good luck with your interview, dawg.

As for the program itself... it's pretty good the way it is... the only thing I'm waiting on is the script function you told me about for freezing and changing values. Other than that everything else is great! Are you actually gonna finish that feature, or is it possibly headed towards the scrap heap?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:02 pm
by L. Spiro
Of course I will finish it.

I just have to decide how it should work (with loading/saving of values that use the function).

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:41 pm
by esco
L. Spiro wrote:Of course I will finish it.

I just have to decide how it should work (with loading/saving of values that use the function).

L. Spiro

Hmmmm... well if your trying to pick between 1 of 2 options and aren't sure which to go with... a coin toss always solves that problem for me. Image

Seriously though I'm really glad to hear it.... honestly I don't know of any oher program out there that would let me do somethin like this, and without yours.... well I'm afraid the whole SOTN project would be screwed (that code limit in pec-chu is just too damn limiting). 8)

P.S. If I can be of any help, lemme know.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:25 pm
by L. Spiro
I got the job and will move to Japan in January.

I will continue working on the project in either case.

L. Spiro