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Minesweep Wow :)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:05 am
by gibxam
Wow! I just followed the minesweeper and hot key tutorial and successfully got the printed 0's and 1's telling the location of the bombs, its very exciting how easily it works. I have a couple questions about tutorials and using the scripts.

1. Why does the "Find" window pop up when I use the hot key F3 to execute my function that calls ShowMineSweeperBoard script? Is this just because the F3 key I used for my hot key just so happens to also open the Find window? In which case I would just have to change the hot key and this problem would go away?

2. When I do press F3 my script is executed and the output of the locations of the bombs are displayed as 1's while the numbers are 0's. In the tutorial it says that we can follow this output to win the game. Is it possible to also write a script that receives the g_pbBoard array and actually clicks on the Minesweeper thus solving the game by itself? Would I use the MouseEvent() function L. Spiro was talking about? How would I implement this?

5. When creating the hot key for this the function used to execute the ShowMineSweeperBoard did not need any more parameters than the Script_ID. Because of this I just left the 2 and 3 parameters blank? Was this correct? Would it matter if I even put values in those parameters if they are not needed?

4. One last question which is a little silly but how do I post screen shots in my posts? I notice there is a Img button but it uses a url? How would I post an image that I have saved on my computer as a bmp or png file?

Thank you very much in advance and once again you rock L. Spiro! I have been reading about this notorious minesweeper hack on a couple of sites and I have really been looking forward to doing it myself :) !


PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:38 am
by L. Spiro
#1: Because F3 loads the Find window. Change your Hotkey (normally you add Cntrl to it to avoid clashes).

#2: This site/forum already has a Minesweeper bot that clicks on all the correct squares.

#5: Unused parameters do not need to be specified in the On_HK_# function. It is up to you whether you want to specify them or not.

#4: Upload to an image-hosting site and post the link inside the IMG tags.

L. Spiro